Bitcoin Mining Visualization
Mining Settings
Bitcoin mining finds a special number (nonce) that creates a hash meeting the network's difficulty target
3 zeros
Number of leading zeros required (higher = harder, real Bitcoin ≈ 19)
1700 hashes/sec
Hash rate of this miner (higher = faster mining, real miners ≈ 100 TH/sec)
Transaction Pool
Transactions waiting to be included in the next block
Block Size: 0.0KB/1024KB Transactions: 0
No pending transactions
Current Block Header
Essential data that gets hashed during mining
Block Index: 1
Nonce: 0
Previous Hash: 000000...000000
Transactions: 0
Merkle Root: 000000...000000
Current Hash
Mining increments the nonce until enough leading zeros are found
Target: Hash must start with 000
Each block links to the previous one through its hash, creating an immutable chain